Asociația Generația Verde
Protecting the environment since 2006
We aim to encourage sustainable development, environmental protection and contribute to improving the quality of life for all citizens. We want to raise public awareness of environmental issues and promote environmental education, with two major battle lines: climate change and non-formal education.
About us
Since 2006
We are the first Romanian NGO that addressed the topic of climate change, having collaborations with major institutions in Europe and Romania. From day one we have developed and delivered sustainable solutions for a better future.
Educational Module
M.E.L.E is a program – unique in the world, full of activities, practical courses and games for children aged 8-15, developed by a team of our association experts. It was implemented for the first time in ROMANIA in July 2019.
CO2 Calculator
In 2009 we developed the first CO2 emission calculator in South East Europe used as a vehicle to carry out the first nationwide study to determine the individual carbon footprint.
Liga Exploratorilor
It is a project that was born in 2019, in the desire to give children passionate about nature the opportunity to learn new skills and develop character. Being held in a place with wonderful scenery, participants can enjoy the beauty of nature while making new friends and building self-confidence.
It is the 2.0 version of the computer made in 2009, which aims to help people better manage certain aspects of their daily lives by offering personalized suggestions on future investments, tasks to encourage the reduction of the carbon footprint.